Monday, May 25, 2009


In Primary on Sunday I was presenting my Sharing time to the Jr Primary when I saw my little boy hock some spit right into the little girls face sitting next to him. I couldn't believe it. Needless to say he got into BIG trouble.

After church he had some time to think about it. I had him some in and talk to me about what happened, explaining that we be like Jesus and be loving, kind, and sweet to people and spitting is none of those... here is the rest of our conversation.
"Well, telling someone you want to marry them is nice, and kind, right?"
I put two together.
"Is that what you did?"
"Yes, I asked Abby if she would marry me, and she said she didn't want to and it made me angry."
I tried really hard not to laugh at my blue-eyed boy, His first rejection and he spits in the girl's face? I then told him that he doesn't have to worry about getting married now. That when he gets home from his mission there will be many lovely young women that will want to marry him because he will be tall and handsome and kind and smart.
I guess we all handle rejection differently:)

So, we don't have that long to go till our sweet little girl is in our lives. I am 32 weeks this week and she is doing very well. She is already about 4lbs, which is in the 60% percentile. Here room is almost done and I look forward to sharing photos when it is. Just a warning, it is very pink.
It is a wonderful blessing that is coming into our lives. Jake is getting excited and that little girl is going to have him wrapped around her little finger from day one. Gabriel says goodnight to the baby every night and includes "baby" in everything when we talk about the family.
I have been making quilts. I am hand quilting one for our baby and I forgot how long it takes, though it will be beautiful. I have a few other baby blankets that I am working on, as well as some bigger ones with my mom.