Gabriel cracks me up all the time, but yesterday he was being specially hillarious. We had spent the day with Amanda and the kids and afterwards ran errands. When I told him we were going to the craft strore to run an errand, he enthusiastically clapped his hands together exclaiming, "Yay! I love the craft store!". I think it does concern Jake a little that Gabe enjoys also watching me sew and scrapbook, so he made sure last week that there was some guy stuff going on. Here is a picture of Jacob and Gabriel tying flies.
So, continuing on with the day Gabriel said hello to every person in the craft store, and strking up conversation with the lady whom helped cut our fabric. He was very polite and asked her how old she was after she had asked him, she said 12 (maybe plus 40) and then he asked if it was her favorite number, then asked if she had scissors and what she was doing with them. Needless to say she loved him and told me he was adorable four different times, then asked if I get that alot. I said yes, but it is always nice to hear because I think he is adorable, and I worry sometimes if it is just a mother's love.

Since it has been warmer out, we have been spending a little time outside. They had these butterfly nets at a local store for a buck and Gabe has been wanting one for a while. So, we got his "golotias" on and he ran around the yard trying to catch...rocks. After that he ended up pushing his frog around in a stroller. We sure love him around here.

We get home and Gabriel has a bum issue, where we needed to get to the Doctor. He loves to strike up conversation with the Doctors when they come into the room, he shakes their hand and then tells them why we are there, and as they are looking in his ears, he asks if there is a Rhinoceros or Elephant. When we get to the Pharmacy to pick up special medicine for him he is singing to the ABC song something like this, "we are here in line and waiting for our medicine for my bum to feel better". I was laughing as he continued while getting ready to eat a banana, "I have a banana and it's good for me. I like to chew it, it is yummy." Now, this is still to the Alphabet tune, and by now we are leaving the store and it this is what I hear, "It is getting dark, it is getting dark. Oh no! I'm scared, it is getting dark, and we are gonig home, Mommy? are we going home.... do you like my song?"
How can I have a day like that and not love being his mom? I listen to 101.9 fma and there was a new song, I believe, where the first part of it says, "I like to ride my bike with no handle bars, no handle bars, no handle bars...". Gabe asked me what the song was called, which I normally make up, within a minute he was singing something about "No chocolate bars". Grammie put it well one time about four months ago, where I was talking to her about how much Gabe talks and understands and she said that sometimes you are not sure if you really want to know what is going on in the mind of a three year old. I agree, but man, it can make your day.
How can I have a day like that and not love being his mom? I listen to 101.9 fma and there was a new song, I believe, where the first part of it says, "I like to ride my bike with no handle bars, no handle bars, no handle bars...". Gabe asked me what the song was called, which I normally make up, within a minute he was singing something about "No chocolate bars". Grammie put it well one time about four months ago, where I was talking to her about how much Gabe talks and understands and she said that sometimes you are not sure if you really want to know what is going on in the mind of a three year old. I agree, but man, it can make your day.

For an update on our dog, Orvis is funny. He is turning out to be a good dog. His favorite toys are medium sized bouncy balls, and he is still afraid of the vaacum cleaner. I will need to get video of him when I come up from the basement because he does this thing where he bounces around like a bunny rabbit and it cracks me up, so he does it more. Yes, he sleeps in our bed most nights, but come on, you all know me. Does it really surprise you that I like some kind of animal to snuggle with? I think I've passed that on to Gabe
Love the pictures! Gabe is adorable and sounds like a very smart kid too!
I love your new template. It reminds me of something... We should get together again soon!
How in the world did you give birth to such a comedian! What a DOLL! So fun to check you guys out.
I love Gabe stories. Jared and I just sat here and laughed.
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