Saturday, November 1, 2008

Cheat'n Steal'n Pumpkin Peel'n

Happy Halloween!
So, Halloween morning we wake up and those perfect pumpkins on our front doorstep were gone, yes, gone, stolen, (I think I saw Gabe's little one smashed on the street corner). Gabe was upset, but I was a Momma Bear. I was so angry, but obviously there was nothing I could do about it. One thing I love about my sweet hubby is that we have the same view on child raising. We took the experience to remind us that among the many things we try to teach Gabriel, one of them is respect for other people's property. 
 It's like that 8 year old kid who was taking McCain signs off of people's property. One guy rigged up a shock fence (just a little one, like  when you stick your tongue on a 9v battery). The kid went to cross his property and got a surprise. Now, if that were my kid I would ask him what he was doing on someone's property and there would be consequences, but no, the dad showed up, probably the one to tell his son to take down the signs.I don't know of all the details, but he chewed the property owner out. I am thankful for my wonderful parents who taught me respect for others and their things.
Okay, blah, blah blah. 
Jake was able to get off of work early and come treating with us. It took about seven houses for Gabe to get the hang of it, but he had a blast. Oh, my proud Mommy moment would be that all the other kids were running across the yards and through flower beds, and Gabriel would stick to the driveways and walkways.
As we started out he learned that he didn't like going up to doors with other kids. One time he "biffed" it because he was trying to beat a ten year old to the door.  The next house Gabe stayed next to me by the road and said that he wanted to wait til they were done. That made me laugh. He's a smart one. His Indiana Jones costume was a hit. I was surprised I didn't see more of them. Our last stop was Nana and Papa's house where Gabe helped Papa pass out candy. Great fun night! Love you all!


Wendy Pippin said...

sounds like you made the best of what could've been an upseting halloween...don't you wish you could just catch one of those pumpkin theifs...

Amanda said...

Love the costume!

Holbrook Girls said...

So cute! Love his beard!

Jules Holbrook said...

Turned out so cute! Sorry about the pumpkins. I just can't believe some people. Wow. No wonder I never see any McCain signs around!

Addy said...

Cute pics of Gabey. I haven't checked your blog in a while, but the pics from the snow and birthday are cute, too. I love the elephant theme.