Friday, May 23, 2008

Our adorable boy

Here is Gabriel. Isn't he sweet and handsome? He made me laugh today. We watched the recorded season premiere of  "So You Think You Can Dance?". Afterwards he was playing with my keyboard in the basement hitting the tempo key  and dancing around like the B boys on the show, saying "Watch this Mom"  and "You like that?". As he gets more daring he accidentally hits over a chair and then gets dizzy and plows into the laundry room closet. You'd think he'd cry but, no, he turns around with a big smile on his face and a red mark on his forehead and started laughing asking me if that was "super-cool?"  This is one little guy who can always make me smile.


Amanda said...

I'd love to see him dance! I love SYTYCD! I can't wait to see the episode of the Salt Lake auditions. There must be some Mormon comments that make me both smile and cringe at the same time.

Holbrook Girls said...

That is too cute! Joe and I were saying the same thing as Amanda about the SLC auditions and the mormons' comments!