Okay, so I think Gabe is pretty a funny kid and here are some things he's said/done that prove my case.
We were at the park the other day and Gabe, who makes friends very easily, started playing with a kid named Nick whom was about twelve. Nick was very kind to Gabe and had some play hand cuffs and got alot of the kids on the playground involved in a friendly game of "Cops and Robbers" after a little while Gabe told Nick that he didn't want to be a cop anymore he wanted to be the "Robin".
Another one was the morning before Chase's beautiful service and I was talking to Gabe about the importance of being reverent throughout the services. He asked where Chase was and I told him that Chase was in heaven. He thought about it for a minuted and then asked where heaven was. I pointed up and he asked me, "Is heaven in your hair?".
After the service Gabe was having a serious case of the little boy jitters and we were in the foyer. There is a ramp there and as Jake and I were talking with people Gabe tried to run down a steep ramp that was close by. I told him sternly not to run. He looked at me and plopped on his behind and proceeded to try and slide down the carpeted ramp saying, "WEEEE!!". It was one of those moments where you can't let your kid see that you have the giggles while you attempt to lecture them on reverence and what is appropriate.
Gabe has been going through a super-sleepy phase this last month and has been falling asleep in funny places.

I love little kids...isn't it great to fall asleep wherever whenever!
I bet Gabe's growing. Whenever my kids sleep a lot, voila! Two inches taller.
I don't know how else to get in touch with you -- the number i have doesn't work anymore!!
We're blessing our little girl on Sunday (BRIGHT and early at 9 am) and we would love to see you guys. I know it's a long drive -- but we'll give you food!
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