Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Pumpkin for Pumpkin

My mother taught me to look for deals on things you are buying. I don't always put that into affect since my father taught me that when you want your oompah-loompah now, you buy it.  Great memories of driving through Florida on a childhood trip trying to find the best price for gasoline, come to my mind. We needed gas and we finally find the gas station with it 2 cents a gallon cheaper than the one 5 miles before. 
Gabe went on his first fieldtrip with school. I was able to go with him and see that he is taking after Papu (my dad). We were charged a set price and you can pick ANY pumpkin you want. Some were really smart and brought their strong daddies to help get the ginormous ones. I tried hard to get Gabe pick one of a larger size, ya know, get more for your money, but he wanted this one, and he is so proud of it. 

This is Gabe's friend Andrew. He LOVES Andrew and is not afraid to tell him. This is hard, since we want our kid to express his feelings. We've been trying to tell him that it is okay to tell family that, but with friends just to say "I really like hanging out with you" or something..

Here is our Friend, Trish's daughter Hailey.